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What Does Aiwo Do?
In today’s growth environment, understanding your customers’ needs and enhancing their experience is paramount. Aiwo stands at the forefront of this mission,...

Aiwo cooperates with the Customer Engagement Optimization Company from Denmark
We are excited to introduce our partner from Denmark: CC-Interactive . CC-Interactive is a company who works in customer engagement optimization. Aiwo and...

Aiwo has won a pitching competition to drive its international growth
Aiwo is one of the three winners of the pitching competition called Ideat liikkeelle (eng. “Ideas in Motion”). The competition was organized...

Why should organizations change from text analytics to Aiwo’s qualitative analytics?
For many organizations, text analytic tools are familiar way to analyze customer experience and employee satisfaction. When people hear about qualitative analytics,...

Miksi organisaatioiden tulisi vaihtaa tekstianalytiikka Aiwon laadulliseen analytiikkaan?
Useille organisaatioille tekstianalytiikan työkalut ovat tuttuja, millä analysoida asiakaskokemusta ja työntekijöiden tyytyväisyyttä. Kun ihmiset kuulevat ensimmäistä kertaa laadullisesta analytiikasta, on kysymys yleensä,...