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Aiwo has won a pitching competition to drive its international growth

September 3, 2020

Aiwo is one of the three winners of the pitching competition called Ideat liikkeelle (eng. “Ideas in Motion”). The competition was organized by a Finnish startup factory Yritystehdas together with Regional Council of Central Finland and Crazy Town Jyväskylä.

During the competition day 12 startup teams were working on their business ideas with Jyväskylä’s startup community’s mentors and financiers. Startup companies that were in their early stage of business or already exceeded the initial stage and needed sparring, coaching or financing, were able to take part in the competition. Aiwo was one of the competitors and made all the way to the finals, which was held last Friday in the new premises of Crazy Town Jyväskylä.

The event went excellently! The participants were at different stages with their entrepreneurship path, some in an early stage with their business and some, like Aiwo were already more experienced startup companies. I am sure the day was an enriching experience for everyone, as all participants were able to learn something new from each other. We saw wonderful pitches from all competitors during the day!, rejoices Community Manager Heidi Länsisalmi from Yritystehdas.

At the event mentors challenged competitors with questions, appended for example to a market situation, user groups and the issue that the company will solve. Finally, together with mentoring sales pitches were prepared and presented to the judges.

Aiwo’s final pitch was delivered by CEO Atso Vesterinen, who successfully presented our unique Aiwo System service to the judges and the audience. The pitch with the international focus, was so successful that Aiwo ended up winning one of the main prizes to drive its international growth in the future.

I was very happy when Aiwo was declared as one of the winners. We have taken a huge step to expand our business internationally and will put lots of effort for international growth in the future. The competition day was successful, and I got to meet wonderful entrepreneurs. It was great to get together and share inspiring ideas, says Aiwo’s CEO Atso Vesterinen.

Atso pitching Aiwo System at Ideat liikkeelle competition. Picture taken by Toni Pienonen.

Events like these are wonderful opportunities for networking and brainstorming. Aiwo is looking forward to cooperating with Yritystehdas in the future and to see what the future will hold. Thank you for all organizers and stakeholders, who provided a great day for the competition.

To read more, how Aiwo has expanded its business internationally, you can read the news article about our latest Australian client Nearmap. If you want to hear more about us, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We will be happy to tell you more about, how we provide unfair competitive advantage to our customers.

Contact information:

Atso Vesterinen                             Heidi Länsisalmi
CEO                                                       Community Manager
Aiwo Digital                                         Yritystehdas
T: +358 400 384 225                         T: +35850 362 1383