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Why should organizations change from text analytics to Aiwo’s qualitative analytics?

August 28, 2020

For many organizations, text analytic tools are familiar way to analyze customer experience and employee satisfaction. When people hear about qualitative analytics, the first question usually is, how does qualitative analytics differs from traditional text analytics and NPS. At the first sight they may seem similar, but once you dive deeper, you will notice major differences.

You may not have heard of qualitative analytics before and its unique abilities and substantial differences compared to traditional text analytics. That’s why, we want all organizations to be aware of our unique service Aiwo System. In this news article we are going to tell you main points, why your company should change from traditional text analytics to Aiwo’s qualitative analytics.

Data driven understanding and no keywords needed

Text analytics usually require preset keywords to find out, what your organization is willing to find from the data. This way, you will find some answers from the data, but at the same time lots of information will be untapped. This hidden data might be significant and could be a major help, for example, to your company’s service and product development.

Simply said, by setting keywords, you are looking only for your own insights, or what your company is interested in. But will you receive a concrete situation picture of, what your customers are truly trying to tell you? Will you understand your customers comprehensively? What if the qualitative data, such us customer phone calls or open feedback surveys include something that you haven’t thought out before? Important feedback from your customers that would be beneficial for you to better your organization’s customer experience. Or developing your products. All of this information will be ineffectual, if your data is not analyzed fully without preconceptions.

Our qualitative analytic service Aiwo System analyzes data without any keywords. The qualitative analysis of data is done based on artificial intelligence. Aiwo creates a wide situation picture from all omnichannel communication your company receives. As we say, our service provides a 360 degree view and unfair competitive advantage to our customers. Now for the first time, organizations are able to get a comprehensive picture of all communication they receive from their customers or employees. Based on Aiwo System’s observations, companies can develop their customer experience and employee satisfaction for the better.

To read more about our services for different needs, like human resources or customer experience, check our Aiwo System page.

Real-time qualitative analysis of data

Today’s world is challenging with a massive amount information. Regardless of the business sector, the huge incoming data is infeasible to handle manually. Aiwo System is a remarkable tool for this. When you are making qualitative analysis of your incoming data, you have a continuing overall picture, how your business is going and what your customers think about your services. In addition, Aiwo System can be utilized in human resources too. If you are having an organizational change, you may want to stay up to date, how the operative changes, have been received within your company. Aiwo analyzes rapidly all feedback or messages you receive from your employees.

What makes qualitative analytics different compared to traditional text analytics, is that Aiwo System observes data in real-time.  This level of quality and accuracy of the real-time analytics has not been previously achieved. Real-time analysis enables your company to no longer need separate surveys. Generally the difficulty in separate surveys is that the information might get old during the time of waiting the results. By using Aiwo, all information will be utilized and none of the information will not get old. So, all of your incoming customer or employee communication will be analyzed at the same time it appears.

These are just few examples of the reasons, why organizations should change from traditional text analytics to Aiwo’s qualitative analytics. To hear more get in touch with us and we will be happy to tell you more about our unique service Aiwo System.

AIWO Studio

To hear more about, why making AI based qualitative analysis of data with Aiwo System is more worthwhile than doing text analytics, watch AIWO Studio’s second episode from below. In the episode Aiwo’s COO Jani Jokela will give a good and concrete example about the differences between the text and qualitative analytics.

AIWO Studio is a discussion forum for key topics around qualitative analytics, customer experience and employee satisfaction and other interesting themes. If you want to stay up to date with the latest AIWO Studio episodes, remember to follow us on LinkedIn and other social media channels. You will find all of our episodes from our YouTube channel as well.