Fennia’s vision is to offer their customers the best customer experience in the field of insurance. Satisfied customers are the top priority for Fennia and their operations are guided by the idea of “the customer always comes first”. Fennia measures customer experience through NPS Surveys. Earlier the feedback was analyzed mainly by following the NPS numbers and there was no practical way for the handling of the open feedback. Fennia urgently needed a solution that could utilize all valuable open feedback for business development and offer a way to provide even better products and services to their customers. Aiwo’s user-friendly and clear user interface impressed Fennia and enabled them to find the root causes behind NPS numbers. Aiwo showcases to Fennia to which service the open feedback is aimed towards.
Fennia has taken care of Finnish people’s insurances for over 140 years. Together with the subsidiary Henki-Fennia, the company offers non-life, life, pension, savings, and disability insurance services to its 450,000 customers. Currently, the company is employing more than 1,000 employees all over Finland.
Fennia has received recognition for their successful customer experience. They have the most satisfied customers in the insurance industry two years in a row according to EPSI Rating Insurance 2020 industry study. However, this is just the beginning for Fennia as they continue to develop their operations into the vision of the best possible customer experience in the industry.
Customer experience is actively developed at Fennia. They are currently carrying out a change program called “Future Fennia” (“Tulevaisuuden Fennia” in Finnish) in which the development of customer experience plays a central role. As part of the larger Future Fennia change program, at the beginning of 2021 Fennia has finalized the framework of a customer experience program that enables the development work of the customer experience even further.
Our Customer Experience and Research team has eight employees. We actively work together with all business units at Fennia. We have created a common goal for customer experience that we are striving for through the development actions. Our current customers’ customer experience is developed according to a common operating model, where customer feedback is analyzed together with the business units. We create development actions for both short and long term, Fennia’s Customer Experience Director Heidi Nurminen tells.
In addition to developing customer experience the change program includes the development of employee experience, and reformation of the Fennia brand, reformation of operating and guidance models and an information system reform. Nurminen feels that the information system reform that will appear to Fennia’s customers in a couple of year, will affect the customer experience significantly and improve its functional side.

Aiwo reveals the root causes of the open feedback
The vision of the best customer experience in the insurance industry increased Fennia’s need to understand the daily customer feedback more precisely. Fennia collects customer feedback through Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys that include both numeric and open feedback fields. To the open fields the customers can write their feedback, such as justify why they gave the certain numeric score to the service. Fennia needed a way to analyze the open feedback fields from the NPS surveys so that those would not have to go through manually one by one.
Before Aiwo we went through the open feedback answers one by one and manually processed the analysis as needed. Aiwo has brought new depth to the analyzing of open feedbacks since we can get the analysis straight from Aiwo’s user interface. It has made our job a lot easier, Fennia’s Customer Experience Manager Sini Honkanen rejoices.
Aiwo enables us a whole new outlook to the voice of customer when the customer feedback’s root causes can be verified. When the data is verified, an individual feedback won’t get excessive weighted value if the overall picture shows something else. In customer satisfaction, we are no longer following just the NPS numbers. Now we can utilize all open feedback data as well. Aiwo enriches our analysis tremendously, Fennia’s another Customer Experience Manager Elina Rasa adds.
Fennia’s Customer Experience Director Heidi Nurminen agrees:
Through Aiwo we have been able to utilize the feedback in a whole new way and jointly in different parts of the organization. We understand better the root cause factors that affect the current customer experience and can turn the open feedbacks into measurable data-driven actions. This has been the most significant benefit of Aiwo. The feedback is not anymore knowledge that is based on common beliefs and the message of the feedback can’t change through the eyes of the reader. Thanks to Aiwo we are also able to monitor the effectiveness of our development actions, meaning how the feedback changes over time.
Fennia had earlier thought that they would need a solution that could analyze written open feedback fields. Aiwo became familiar to Customer Experience Manager Elina Rasa by chance:
I was watching the local Yle news from central Finland where Aiwo’s CEO Atso Vesterinen was visiting. I suggested to our team that we could meet Aiwo since it seemed like an interesting service provider based on the website as well. We contacted Aiwo and the negotiations started from there, Rasa tells.
The final impression that finalized the decision to choose Aiwo was the user interface that was easy to use:
Aiwo is very easy and intuitive to use! For us it’s important that the service can be easily implemented extensively throughout the organization. Not in a way that only a few people use it. The categories in the analysis are logic and concrete. And I must add that the presentation of the service was inspiring as well! When we were making the decision, we had seen number of different presentations and the one that Aiwo presented was very good, Heidi Nurminen praises.
Aiwo detects which part of the business the customer feedback is aimed towards
Fennia feels that regarding to the use of Aiwo, the work is just in the beginning. The implementation of the service within the organization is currently underway. Right now, there are several dozen Aiwo users. So far, Nurminen, Honkanen and Rasa with their Customer Experience and Research team have produced the customer feedback analysis to different business units. In the future, also the personnel of other business units will independently use Aiwo. This provides the possibility to reach a more precise level in business-related actions. Fennia’s customer experience experts are glad that the excitement for going through the open feedback with Aiwo has been demonstrated throughout the organization.
We are a stage where we have succeeded to take forward the understanding of the observations that Aiwo has revealed from the biggest pain points in terms of customer feedback. The next step is to identify development measures that should be implemented based on the findings, Nurminen says.
With the new change program, the number of active users of Aiwo will increase. In the beginning our own team has used the service the most but with the implementation and training for Aiwo the other business units all the way from customer interface operations, damage services, system architects to IT sector will utilize Aiwo in their work. As an example, it has been very interesting to be able to produce economic analysis from the voice of customer perspective with Aiwo, Rasa adds.
Nurminen says that customer understanding is the center of the whole Future Fennia change program. Nurminen feels that Aiwo increases understanding especially about the current customer experience’s pain points and those criticalities. Nurminen thinks that Aiwo will be in a central role when the successes of the change program will be measured and the actions in line with the customer experience program are put into action based on the customer feedback.
Fennia has found insightful observations from Aiwo, even though the use of the service is in the beginning:
We had a brand and website reform which brought us feedback from our customers through our website. At first, we thought that all the feedback is targeted to our new website. From Aiwo we were able to find out that there are lots of feedback on the website that is targeted towards our other channels. Through the themes and categorization in Aiwo, we can simultaneously see what works on the website and understand the customer’s voice as to which service or channel the feedback is directed to, Elina Rasa says.
We can study the customer feedback from different perspectives, such as by channel or customer group. For example, we can figure out is the customer a personal or a business customer. We will have a deeper customer understanding when we can delve into the different perspectives more specifically, Heidi Nurminen adds.
Aiwo team listens and is agile and interested
Fennia has been happy with the cooperation with Aiwo. The company has been impressed by the continuous development of Aiwo service and has been satisfied that Aiwo team communicates regularly about the newest features. This way Fennia will stay up to date with the latest changes.
Personally, I joined the cooperation between Fennia and Aiwo in the beginning of this year. In a short period of time, I have noticed that Aiwo team is genuinely interested in our wishes and insights, and they listen to our questions, Customer Experience Manager Sini Honkanen tells.
I agree. The cooperation with Aiwo has been effortless. Aiwo’s service has improved a lot and gives us always something new. We have been able to openly share the changes at Fennia and how those affect the use of Aiwo. We meet with the Aiwo team regularly and when we meet our feedback is listened, which we have been happy about, Rasa adds.
Aiwo has responded to our feedback agilely, which is great, Nurminen completes.