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Aiwo helps MTV achieve 6 figure increase in profit.

February 25, 2021

“It has been amazing, how Aiwo turns something that was considered as a cost factor into something that is actually valuable for us”, said MTV’s Service Design Lead Jan Rosnell recently during the 10th edition of Aiwo Studio. MTV was able to achieve a six-figure increase in their profit after using Aiwo.

MTV Ltd. is a leading media corporation in Finland that operates multiple TV channels and audio-visual services. The company was founded in the 1950’s when their sole focus was TV production.

Today MTV offers a diverse range of content, including domestic and foreign entertainment, drama, reality series, movies, news and sport programs to up to 80 percent of the Finnish population. In addition, MTV has a range of digital services, including its subscription-based streaming service; C More, advertising funded content and its newest service,

MTV needed a way to better understand their customers and improve the design of their products. MTV was motivated to fully understand customer feedback and it was this, that ultimately convinced them to run with Aiwo. MTV’s highly engaged customer base provided the necessary input for the Aiwo System to produce some impressive business insights.

We are a huge service with lots of customers. Our customers watch our programs on TV and read our news online. They feel very keenly on what happens in their soaps, for instance. If something is wrong, they want to tell it for us, tells MTV’s Service Design Lead Jan Rosnell.

The attitude towards collecting customer feedback and understanding customer experience has changed during the years. “In the olden times”, feedback forms were located somewhere in the footer, written in small letters and everyone was hoping they would not collect too much data.

That was quite awful now that I think about it! But then comes Aiwo and suddenly, we can take all the input we have and turn that into the valuable data. Like we all know, data is the oil of this century, so it has been amazing how Aiwo turned something that was considered as a cost factor into something that is actually valuable for us, Rosnell rejoices.

“From Aiwo you can see where you have been, where you are going and why”

MTV benchmarked a number of different systems before Aiwo was introduced the Company. Rosnell emphasizes that what led MTV to choose Aiwo was its ability to produce results from which important business decisions could be made.

Your system worked, stated Rosnell.

Whilst MTV was able to acquire some useful information from customer surveys similar to commonly used Net Promoter Score (NPS), these scores were inadequate in fulfilling the Company’s requirements.

The challenge with NPS like scores is that you get a figure of your customer experience that you can show in the boardrooms, but you don’t really know what is lifting your CX, what is pushing it down and what you should do to make it better. Of course, there are open fields there as well, but to read them all manually, it simply doesn’t work. Not to mention the fact of the bias perspective that it brings, when humans pick the things from the feedback that fits into their own mindset, Rosnell argues.

How Aiwo is revolutionizing NPS feedback analysis? Click here to read more!

MTV needed something that turned the open feedback fields into a statistical data about their customers.

Aiwo gives that, and it gives much more. When you go to Aiwo’s user interface you can see straight from the first page what has happened within 15, 30 or 90 days. So, you can see where you have been, where you are going and why, said Rosnell.

Rosnell emphasized that the fact-based understanding of the customer experience leads to better and more reliable information about the customer. Aiwo has been the tool, that MTV has most used to achieve significant increases in their CX Scores.

We noticed that the use of our desktop devices was decreasing rapidly. At first, we thought that it is because mobile devices are so common, but then again, a lot of people are on their laptops regardless of age, so we figured that wasn’t the case. We thought, something was wrong. Then we went to Aiwo and started digging… Rosnell said.

Aiwo allows customers such as MTV to discover the root causes behind negative and positive customer feedback.

We found out that the videos that started with autoplay seemed to irritate our customers for many reasons. We ended up testing it with AB testing and it provided us value. So, we implemented the changes based on the finding from Aiwo and it was an enormous success! Our CX Score increased tremendously, and we got a six-figure positive increase in profit! We are a mass service so even the smallest changes can turn into a big money, Rosnell rejoices.

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MTV feels that they are able use Aiwo in a way that allows them to address customer pain points. In the future MTV’s goal is to change the company culture to better reflect the customers’ expectations.

We have to have our fingers on the pulse of the customer all the time. We need to listen to them and understand their experiences when they are consuming our services. Aiwo is a super good tool to highlight the importance of understanding customer experience. It shows easily to everybody in this company, what our customers are saying and what are the problems in each sector where our employees work in, said Rosnell.

Rosnell emphasizes that Aiwo is a good fit for a wide range of employees at MTV regardless of their position. Aiwo is a tool for everyone in the business, not just designers or marketers.

Data that is in a form that is easy to use and is relevant for your position and your daily work, that has a power of changing companies and their company cultures and making people to understand customer experience. You must hear the voice of a customer and if it’s not human enough, it doesn’t speak you in an emotional level either. From Aiwo, you can really see the customer pain and understand it. After that it’s easier to start to think how to improve it, Rosnell notes.

When Rosnell was asked about the working relationship between Aiwo and MTV, he replied

Super! Working with Aiwo team has been cooperative and very nice. They have been listening to us and doing the things we really need. The only way we can beat our competitors in their own game is to understand our local customers the best way possible. And that is why we have Aiwo.

Watch the full Aiwo Studio episode with MTV’s Service Design Lead Jan Rosnell from below:

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